Thursday, March 31, 2005

Darkhawk revisited

Here is a page from my work on Darkhawk back in the early 90's for Marvel.


  1. I was a big fan of the Darkhawk comic series and still use Darkhawk as my user ID for many a site. I'd love to hear someday that Marvel will bring back Darkhawk, because ever since it was cancelled, comics haven't been the same to me.

  2. Mr. Manley, Thank you SO much for posting your original art for your run on the Darkhawk Series. This was by FAR my favorite comic book. I wish I could find some original art somewhere. I would love to add it to my office wall. Thank you soooo much for your amazing work on this book I can honestly say its one of my best comic book memories. I would LOVE to see darkhawk in the near future fully restored to his original greatness.

  3. Thanks for posting this blast from the past. I would love to see another 50 issues of Darkhawk. He is my favorite hero and was the one comic I religiously followed growing up. Thank you for all the work you put into this comic.

    On a side note, I'm working on trying to become a color artist so if you have any scans that I can color for practice, please let me know. I would love to try to bring new digital coloring to the old pages of Darkhawk :D
