Saturday, March 12, 2005


I came across this 20 year old drawing this weekend while spring cleaning. It's from a "activity book" aka a coloring book I did for the toy line and TV show Dino Riders. I used to do many such books for Western Publishing back in the day of Billy idol and Cyndi Lauper. I don't know why this one illo was not used. A very nice drawing a 4 year old can fill in with a strong black swirls of crayon. I still have the toys I bought to use for ref to draw the books packed away in my attic.


  1. Thanks Jill. I am glad Alberto is doing a blog as well, because ne we get to see more of his swell art!


  2. Let's see off of the top of my brain...Air Raiders, Centurions, Lasertag, Captain Power, Purrtenders, Barbie, Superman, Hotwheels, Ghost Busters....ugh!

  3. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Hi Mike! I'm a huge Dino Riders fan and was wondering if you might be interested in selling some of the drawings you've made based on them. ...I'd even be interested in the toys you used as reference. I'm a toy illustrator / designer myself, and it was illustrations like this that kept my interested enough while I was young to get into the industry now that I'm older. It would be amazing to have some of your inspiring work in my collection.

    If you're interested...
    My email:

    Thanks! You have some super work! Blew me away when I found your blog today. :) ~Q
