Saturday, April 16, 2005

Photo Saturday

Art is everywhere.

Seem to be on quite a phot jag these days. I love my Canon Powershot 80. I bought it last summer when I bought my 17' Apple laptop. I'm still getting into figuring out all of it's myriad of functions. It's made snapping pics such a breeze. I take it with me just about every time I go out. You never know what will be there to SNAP ON.

One of lesson points I re-interate every week with my students is that art is all around you. It's everywhere constantly, 24-7-to the end of time, or this reality anyway. All you have to do is pay attention and notice it. I am struck by beautiful compositions everyday just walkinh down the street, or in the car. The sun will strike a wall at a cool angle, cast a shadow, I'll notice a really interesting person with a face aged with character, or a beautiful girl who moves with youth or grace. My dogs are both a constant source of humor and inspiration.

I snapped these pics walking back from school last wednesday along the two blocks I walk bewteen DCAD and the lot where I park my jeep in downtown Wilmington. Like Philly, Wilmington has lots of old decaying buildings and streets loaded with chram, decay and character. It's a city that is crack-house rough for a few blocks then suddenly it's a area which has been renovated. They seem to be trying really hard to bring it back, like many old eastern cities I hope that when they do bring it back they don't loose the character that makes Wilmington cool. The flava! I downloaded the snaps I took into my laptop and opened them in photoshop, and turned them into black and white photos then added a hint of sepia with the duotone filter to give that "old time flavor".

DCAD where I teach. This semester I'm teaching figure drawing.

Bigger version here

Bigger version here

Bigger version here

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