Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Student Work

Here are a few snaps of some of my students work. Both the illustrators and animators have a common wall on the third floor at school where they display some of their work. I am currently teaching two classes, Figure Drawing for animation and illustration, both on Wednesdays. Recently we have been working on draping the figure, folds and drapery. One of the exercises was to draw the figure, then draw a "crash test dummy" next to it to illustrate the form and perspective of the figure underneath. We draw the figure first from life, like a manikin, and then 'dress it" to get the drapery and folds correct. There are only two weeks left in the semester and then the birds must fly on their own after graduation.

The wall can be a wall of shame, wall of pain or wall of fame. It's up to each student to decide that by the work they have to post weekly.


  1. needs more nude models. ;)

    We did gestures like these in University. Pretty fun, especially when forced to do them really fast w/o thinking.

  2. Haha. Don't worry...We had plenty of nude models, in fact most of the class was the nude figure, but after the students had gained some skill, then it was time to "drape the figure", and these pics are from those in class exercises.
