Thursday, July 28, 2005


I came across this scan today while backing up some stuff off the old hard drive, it's a late 80's drawing I did of my pal Bret Blevin's character BOZZ, a mini-series he did for Marvel. I was totally into trying to use a rag to ink the sky which I had recently learned from my friend Ricardo Villagran.


  1. I'm not sure about what Thompson does as I don't have examples of his work on hand, but experiment with things. try sponges, or even old leather book covers, different types of cloth and see what you can get texture wise.

  2. That's a georgous pic Mike.

  3. Thanks. The scary thing for me is that drawing is almost 20 years old...

  4. that is pretty neat looking ink technique for the sky. Do you still ever use it?

    Hey Mike, i bet you can't draw like this:

  5. Lud, thanks, I was sharing Al Williamson's stodio with Bret at that time, so it was fun to watch him do bozz.

    T, Yes I still use a rag from time to time or a piece of foam, like I did for the spattery effect on the Turtles page I posted. And man, hahah, no I can't draw like that and jesus can't either! :-)

    Forgive us our art sins at the hour of our death!

