Sunday, July 03, 2005

Buffy Commission

Finishing up some loose ends around the studio and I polished off this commission today in about 4 hours or so in water color, while watching the Live-8 concert. I owed this guy the commission for over 2 years...cause I can't get into I couldn't figure out what to do...I messed up the other girl a bit cause I didn't do a very good drawing there, it was not worked out well enough, but I'm overall happy with it. I was thinking of the way Jack Davis had fun with his watercolor illos, and Frazetta too....


  1. Thanks SPJ..and yes its all on watercolor. The thing with watercolor is to use good watercolor paper, then the paper won't wrinkle.

  2. Mike that is awesome! Probably the best art i've seen you post on the blog since i joined it.

    I love the watercolors, it has a definate old-school technique to it. I can't pinpoint exactly what it reminds me off.

  3. t mcg--thanks! I had such a hard time coming up with an idea, then BOOM! it happened. I'll try the same technique on some other characters soon.
