Monday, November 07, 2005

Busy Busy

I have been really busy lately, between teaching at School, and the various projects running through the studio; Draw! (late), desiging on my Nic project still in developement, inking on Minoriteam for Cartoon Net and soon to be inking on a book for Image I feel like I am maxing out my performance. The studio looked like a bomb hit it, so I had to spend a bit of time putting things back in order.

Today I'll be down at DCAD reviewing portfolios for incoming students, I hope there are some good artists in the mix, as reviewing bad art is one of the worst things ever!


  1. Ah, so that's some of your inks on Minoriteam. I can see that (the damn credits roll past so fast I was just able to make out the the nod to Jack Kirby).
    Course I was always a fan of those '60 Marvel "taken-from-the-comic-page" limited animation....

  2. Rich, that was the pilot, which I didn't work on. the shows I'm working on should be on in Jan. The newer stuff is more "Kirbyesque".

  3. Ha! Sounds like my room these days Mike! I've got so many books and dvds that I need to find homes for them. :)

  4. Ah, and you still have time shooting loads of homeworks at us^^

  5. And just wait till you see tomorrow's homework, mwhahahahaha!

  6. I just caught Minoriteam the other night. It wasn't too bad, I'll "toon" in and watch out for when your episodes come up.
    Speaking of which, your word verification just made me type inukck--reminded me of Harvey Birdman and the Apache Chief episode.
