Friday, November 25, 2005

Thanks For Nuth'n Gullet Fest 2005

Boy, it seems like it's been forever since I posted anything here. It's just been crazy busy between School, and my workload of Minoriteam, Inking Fear Agent, final designs on my Nic project and trying to finish up Draw! 12, and the usual Holiday crush.

But like that last decade or so, i hosted the annual Manley Turkey fest. I picked up a 31 lb free range bird from Whole foods aalong with lots of other goodies. their meat and veggies are the best, but they also cost way more too. But nothing is too good for my guests. I usually break my cooking down into 2 days, doing the most cooking the day before, Wednesday. I also do my shopping at off hours to avoid the crowds. For instance I hit whole foods at 8:30pm, after dinner rush and rush hour, less people to hassel, I hit the local supermarket at 1am, it had been restoked and there were no crowds at all; so my buddy Scott and I were in and out like pirates in 20 minutes. It was so cold here in Philly this week i even left the stuff in the car till the next day.

Wednesday I worked, inking on Minoriteam the new show on Adult Swim along with my pal Rich Faber who was hired on this week to give the production an extra boost to catch up. Rich and I along with Bonaia worked "round table style" from my dinning room table, cranking out inks. I am hired on the series to essentially be an illustrator, embellishing or stylizing the pencils, much like one of Kirby's inkers. The show is being drawn in a suedo-Kirby style and being done like the old Marvel Cartoons from the 60's.Super limited animation. the job is a blast, one of the most fun jobs I've ever had in animation. the final art you'll see on the show will be the actual art I ink, which will be awesome.

Rich and I inking away.

I started cooking about 6pm on Wednesday evening, I did my mac Cheese first, popped that in the oven then did the stuffing ( which included andulice and pork sausage) and green bean/snowpea cassarol.

The scerect to successfully cooking a turkey is really simple, slow cooking. Turkey can be dry, especially if you overcook it, so slow cooking lets the juice stay in the bird as it's intrenal temp heats up.I put my bird in the oven about midnite or so and let it cook slow at 350 all night, waking up and basting it a few times. By 10:30 Thanksgiving morning it was ready, it's little red thermometer had popped it's red woody.


  1. It was great mike^^ I love your cooking!! And make sure ypu have time to come over for our party^^!!!!
    Thanks for the dinner,best in town~~haha

  2. Looks like a great time Mr. M!

    Wish I had the skills and friends here to put out the same type of spread.

    Echo...that is a beautiful dress.

    Well done Mike!

  3. Echo, Thanks and I'll be sure to come to your party...

    John, A chair is always waiting at the Manley Round Table. I think cooking is a great way to win hearts and minds :-) especially of young women.

  4. Hey Mike, how's about sharing that stuffing receipe?
    P.S. looks like you are just as talented as a cook as you are an artist
