Saturday, January 14, 2006

Return to blogging

This has been the longest break in blogging I have taken since I started my blog last year. I guess between the holidays and the work load I have in the studio, and my personal life, the blog fell away to low man on the totem. I've been getting back to the gym in a serious way and have been trying the Body For Life diet, which is essentialy eating 5-6 smaller meals a day instead of 3 big ones. I've been doing it for 3 weeks now and it's already done a lot of good and the pounds are coming off, 10-12 pounds already. the goal is to try and get down to 200 by summer, which is doable at 2-3 pounds a week, which is the most anyone can really loose in a week the right way. this job is murder on you in that way, hours sitting, sometimes a bad diet to keep the mind awake with sugar and a cramped schedule means more eating out, but those are all things of the past. I already need to buy a new belt!

I have just finished doing finishes over Tony Moore's pencils on the 3rd issue of Fear Agent for Image. I am posting a few pages here for you to see, I expect the book to hit stands within a few short weeks.

Next week I return to teaching at DCAD, this semester I'll be teaching figure Drawing for Animators and Illustrators, and I'm looking forward to it.

I am also jamming to finally finish DRAW! 12 which is way, way late again. I was doing good there then fell off the schedule terribly. My first goal this year is to get Draw! back on regular schedule.

On top of this I have my weekly work for Minoriteam for Funny Garbage, which will air on Adult Swimm this spring, I have inked hundreds and hundreds of scenes by now, and it's one of the most enjoyable and fun jobs I have ever had. I get to ink in a suedo-Kirby style all day when I work on it, and that's a blast!

And on the drawing board is a solo issue of the Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles which I am drawing now, so I have probably never been busier, especially if you add in the continuing development on my project at NIC. 2006 is ripping down the road and I hope to be able to keep up with it. I'll try and keep this blog updated if not daily, several times a week now.



  1. Welcome back to the bloggosphere! Missed your stuff. Congrats on the weight loss, that's got to be a great feeling.

  2. The fear agent pages look great Mike.

  3. Hey Mike, I just did some Fear Agent fan art for Rick's board on the Image Forums and I am amazed at how you and Tony can do that character panel after panel. Truly a unique feel to the character.

  4. Man I love this combo! You kick much ass, Mister Manley!

  5. That's great you're trying the "Body For Life" diet. My step mom actually has been doing that her whole life (eating 5 small meals a day) and she's as thin as a stick!

    Great images as always.

  6. Glad you're doing well Mike. My wife is hypoglicemic and is best when we eat small regular meals. She's also the one who got this illustrator off his can and into the gym, that was 15 years ago. If I wanted to date her I HAD to follow her to the gym! Now I jump rope, lift weights and take a strengthening yoga class. All that really helps my blood pressure and my creativity.
    I'm sure you'll do well on "Body For Life", just remember to keep eating a enjoyable thing, and to find something you really like and want to do at the gym.
