Monday, January 23, 2006

Six Flags Weekend

This weekend I went to Six Flags with a few friends without even leaving my dining room. Friday I got a rush storyboard job for a Six Flags commercial, and called in a few friends to help me crank it out. My buddy Scott was down already visiting since his mom is not feeling well (get better Nancy) and I used it as an opportunity to hire Echo, one of my students from DCAD to give her some real world training.

Here Echo tightens up the board in pencil

In order to rush this thing through I laid out all the scenes in blue pencil pretty tightly,then handed them off to Scott and Echo to tighten them up in pencil, I penciled some too. Once they were penciled and approved, some with major changes at the last minute, we went to inks and colors. We inked then with markers realy quick and then colored them in photoshop on our laptops and I deliverd the job via the internet.

Scottie tightens up another frame from my roughed in layout

I tell you, Google is the best thing ever for finding reference and that saved precious time when looking for ref we needed for the job. Seems these boards are always rush jobs, crazy late night hours, but the pay can be pretty good too.

Our "studio" for the weekend was my dining room table.

Now back to my regularly scheduled busy life.


  1. Sounds like a fun way to make it through a tight deadline! So when do we get to see the final boards? :-)

  2. I don't think I can show the boards right now, but as soon as I can I'll show em.

  3. I love looking at pictures of people working, and I love to work the way YOU guys work! Looks like fun!

  4. Thanks Robo, it's always fun working with pals, it makes the job a lot more fun. I think workinging round table style is a lot of fun, I can see why King Arthur did it.

  5. Jammin' good time. Wish you were closer so I could drop by when your working.
