Friday, April 21, 2006


I have very, very busy...ok, I am always busy, but I have been cranking the machine at full lately. I wish I could show a lot of what I am working on, like inking Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man over Mike Weiringo, but alas I can't post those pages yet. But I do have some of my own comic projects in line though so I will be working on some more 'creator owned' comics. School is down to 3 weeks left in the semester too. But I have hardly drawn for pleasure in a while,hardly done stuff for myself between various DRAW! mag projects, inking and teaching. Some days I scribble before inking to warm up,drawing directly with the pen or brush like 'automatic writing". I never know what I will draw... the scrappies as I call them are below.

Bigger version here.

The fox doodle was colored by Bonaia my assistant.


  1. Something about Fox Doodle kills me! Very cool!

  2. Hey, have I been "scrapped"?!! That middle-aged looking woman in the lower right corner with the sagging fun bags looks a little too familiar mister!
    Good gravy, I was just joking, but the more I think about that chest...
    Word verification of the day is:
    :-) Kel

  3. hahaha,,the never knows what one will draw when on doodles. I hope the final weeks are going well...

  4. Owww would you stop that Kelly you are embarrassing everybody here....Hey!!! Is that stereotyped asian woman on the left corner me??? How dare!:-0

  5. These characters are great!
