Thursday, May 25, 2006


here are two sketches that were done recently, a marvelous freesketch one of me by Echo. She drew this yesterday while we were havng coffee in Starbucks on our afternoon jaunt to the art supply and comic shop. it was funny to see her draw it directly in marker, jumping around the drawing...adding this and that

Here is a freehand sketch of Echo I did a few weeks back when she was really concentrating while inking some backgrounds for me late in the night.

Between us we must have about 6-7 sketchbooks floating around the house, car and her purse. We are always doodling when we go out if we can. We love to people watch, and people doodle.

I think freehand sketches, done direct are the most powerful drawings artist do because they are unedited.


  1. I have that many sketch books too, but they never really get used... So sad!

  2. U r really amazing man, great drawings...congrats from Chile. see u.
