Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Starbucks Sketching

Sunday afternoon Echo and I took a break and went up to the nearest Starbucks for a coffee break and some sketching. There were some interesting types there, here are a few of my sketches.


  1. Good stuff, Mike...the one I go to is inside a Barnes & Noble bookstore...is a bit cramped and people look at me odd when I come in with my stuff...but I enjoy it!


  2. These are great, Mike. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. BB, Yeah it's funny when the normals get that caught deer look on the face when they notice and art tiger has them square. Squirm, wiggle, turn away...too late beyotch! I got you on paper!
    Travis, thanks, you should do the same thing.

  4. Good stuff, Mike. Are the reddish drawings conte? Or colored pencil?

    Yeah, it's always nice when your quarry doesn't know that they're being committed to paper. The last time a friend and I tried people drawing at pub we got ratted out by our waitress. She gave us our drinks, peeped our pads and walked right up to our oblivious models. Needless to say we ended up throwing darts the remainder of the time and her tip was less than magnanimous. Rassin' frassin'...

  5. nice mike! I like the pattern going through the dood with the hoagie head.

  6. Alright then. You're on, Mike!

  7. Nice sketches! It shows that they are made in a fast, talented manner. Really inspiring!
