Friday, July 21, 2006

TMNT Pencils continue

Here is another page I just penciled. I did this one a little rougher as I will get kinda' choppy with the inks to add to the flashback I wanted to leave some drawing for the inking stage.

A larger version HERE.


  1. That's one spiffy action page you've got there, complete with the Vader "NOOOOO!" pay-off at the end. Just the image of the Foot ninja pushing the babycart is enough to get me through the day. Thanks for posting these, Mike.

  2. Mulf, You'll have to wait to see...
    Ink Blatt, that shot is what I call the Shawshank shot. That darth shot was so lame I had to stifle laughter in the theater..oh how George screwed the pooch on that....
