Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Here are this weeks figure drawings from the DCAD lab. I was happy to hear the class was extended one more week, and that they are thinking to keep it running constantly except for holidays, which means there will be no month-off downtime except for maybe winter break. This week I was trying to go bolder, looser for most of the drawings, less contour, dealing with more tone. @$#%!! but it was a struggle as again the lighting was crap, not enough direct light on the, and many others constant complaint. Everything was a middle value and Shanna has a nice tan, so what is tan and what is shadow...ugh. Oh well...

A larger version here

Echo really did a great job this week, you can see her's on her BLOG


  1. It looks like you both had a great night (was just at Echo's blog). These look great. I especially love the one on the colored paper. It looks like an old master drawing. Or did I mean "old bast...." Never mind.

    (couldn't help myself)

  2. Haha, go ahead, finish the thought!

    I guess it looks toned because I didn't use the flash, otherwise the subtle tones got washed out. It was an OK week, I never feel I have a great week doing these, I always feel cold and not warmed up till the end. I guess if I did it 2-3 days in a row I'd actually get someplace.

  3. 2 minutes, eh? I couldn't do that if I had two hours! Show off!

    Really like that first one with the hands behind the back. Hard to draw and you made it look easy. The very last one is also particularly nice!

  4. No showing off, just work'n at it. You guys at teh drink n draw should do a figure drawing night.

  5. Cheer up you did a great job anyway, should show the framed piece :)
