Saturday, August 05, 2006


After a very busy week I am finally able to get back to posting more of the board from Episode 22. I have to say after reviewing this board I am dissapointed the show was rewritten so much. I think the action sequences here would have been really cool animated, but "deems da breaks" in cartoon land. Superheroes are still done best as animated characters, or 3D I done as well as the Impossibles. The frantic, kenetic action you can do in animation captures the magic unlike any live action film ever could. I'll get back to posting another batch of boards next week.

A bigger scan HERE.

A bigger scan HERE.

A bigger scan HERE.

A bigger scan HERE.

A bigger scan HERE.

A bigger scan HERE.
A bigger scan HERE.

A bigger scan HERE.

A bigger scan HERE.

A bigger scan HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. Glad to see some real boards complete with annotations. You so often see these things cut together as animatics, or cropped in some other way and you never get to see the notes and directions. For somebody like me who wants to do storyboarding professionally, this is very helpful.

    Thanks for posting!
