Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Back To School

Yesterday was the first day back to teaching for me at DCAD. It wasa long day as i not only taught my regular classes Drawing for Animation and Storyboard and Storytelling, but I also monitored the weekly Figure Drawing lab. It was a long 16 hour day from the time i got up, till I came home. I was beat.

I'll snap some pics of last nights figure drawing and post them later.


  1. I still can't believe it's already that time of year again--I report back to class tomorrow.

  2. I know, time seems to zip past in fast chunks, next thing it will be X-mas, already seeing X-mas stuff...yech!

    Where are you going to school?

  3. I'm taking online courses at the Academy of Art University. I studied Anthropology for four years, and during that time reacquainted myself with art & especially comics. I'd love to do the Bill Wray thing and continue along the self-taught route, but I realized there were smaller aspects of art I needed to be shown, and also to get perspectives from outside of my own state (comparitively, East & West Coast states like New York & California seem like artistic meccas to inlanders.
