Thursday, September 14, 2006

More Turtles...

Here are two more penciled pages from the Turtles issue I am working on.


  1. YES!!! Casey Jones is the best character in that series.
    He doesn't have any 'special' powers ( that I'm aware of ) he's just one really pissed off dude!

    Nice work!

  2. man, you draw a lot. and its all really good drawing too.

    hey, casey jones rocks. rememrb the old TMNT book where he wanted to take his wife to hawaii or soemthing, but he coudlnt afford it, so he decorated his trailer home to be tropical and made pina coladas? that was a good book.


  3. Hi Mike! Thanks for popping by my blog, I appreciate it, I hope you'll stop in every now and then. Nice Turtles pages, I love to see how you've drawn through things in the first page, where you'll get your background setting established and then add the characters and objects that reside there. Nice to see! Great stuff as always.

  4. Yeah! Those are some sweet TMNT pages.
