Friday, October 27, 2006

Interview with me in the News Journal

The Delaware News Journal is running an interview they did with me in their Home and Life section today.


  1. (jesus christ! i had an entire entry composed here and then accidentally deleted it! will attempt to summarize)

    This is so cool Mike! And the timing is perfect. I thought that several hours of editing would be enough for the documentary of you, but alas, it wasn't (it was due today). I was up all night last night editing, and was just too tired this morning to go into class--hate it when I do that. I figure I'm a little over half finished. I think I'm up to 11 minutes right now, but Pahl wants 5 to 7-ish. I don't want to cut any more of what I have, and there is still footage to be added--like Monsterman and my own narration. This story will help me formulate my narration, but how can I NOT include MONSTERMAN?!! The stuff I have so far is so good that I just can't imagine losing any more of it. It's all vital in my opinion. Ugh, you two actually had me up all night! Literally. I didn't give up until about 9 this morning. Mike, Mike, Mike--it's all about Mike, isn't it? And Her Royal Highness, of course!

  2. I read all about you the other day. So did Amanda, Val, Sheila, Colleen, Bianca, Jessen etc. EVERYONE called me up about it. Now Dave needs to be in the paper.
