Monday, December 04, 2006

Remo Remembered-Secret Agent Corrigan

Here are a few pages from an issue of remo Williams I did a long time ago...or it seems like a long time ago, and also a page from an issue of Marvel's Powerline comic I did that Al Williamson inked. Al also inked some of the Remo job as well. I posted these as I will be doing an all new Secret Agent Corrigan, Al's old strip that is still being reprinted overseas. The demand is good enough for the reprints that King features who owns the rights contacted me about doing one, possibly two stories, which I jumped at as I was always a big fan of newspaper strips and of course Williamson who I worked with and shared a studio with back in the late 80's along with my buddy Blevins.

there are very few places left to do this type of drawing, as the adventure newspaper strip is a dying breed.


  1. lovely stuff mike, look forward to seeing your secret agent corrigan stuff.

  2. Nice to see this older work.

  3. Godamn! Mike, I think you have a future in this drawing stuff! ;)


  4. Thanks guys, It's interesting and sometimes scary to see older stuff, parts i like, parts i cringe at. A lot of paper milage has passed in those 15-16 years.

  5. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Great looking pages - You shared a studio with Al Williamson? Wow. Congratulations on doing Corrigan - Raymond - Graff - Lubbers - Williamson - Evans .... Manley...Wow...

  6. This stuff is killer! Williamson's inks are so perfect.

    I just got the original novel for a buck at the half price the other day.

  7. Now this is a comic book.
    Not the print screen ,we see these days.
