Sunday, December 24, 2006

Turtle Time

Boy, been a little bit since I blogged here. Between the end of school, and the workload I have on top of the Holiday Crunch I took a break from blogging. A lot of what I've dobne I can't show due to rights and contracts, like the board work on Growing Up Creepie and New Frontier, but I can show you a page from the Turtles issue I have to finish soon.

Happy Holidays!


  1. DAMN, looks great Mr. Mike!


  2. Merry Christmas, Mike!

  3. hey Mike, haven't dropped by the blog in a few months. Just wanted to check up & see what you've been doing lately...guess you've been busy. Hope you had a great holidays & have a happy new year.

    P.S. don't get too drunk tonight, it'll make your drawings look all scribbly & warped.

  4. oh btw, are you doing both the pencilling & ink on TMNT lately or still just inking?

  5. Hey Mike, what can I say, the page looks great. (From what you showed us in class I bet that whole page didn't take you more then a few hours either... sick man... sick) my sites up by the way (FINALLY!) I know your busy, check it out if you ever get a few minutes though. See ya. (ohh and I'm going to get a few of my newly printed dvd's to bates, I'll have him hold one for you)

  6. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Mike, great work. Glad I came across your blog. I like the variety of stuff you're posting. Didn't even know the new DRAW was out. (I'm lame) On my way to the comc store as we speak. Thanks! -Augie
