Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday Figures

Here are a bunch of drawings from tonight's Free Figure Drawing that Echo runs at PAFA in the cast hall of the Historic landmark building and my Monday Anatomy class. She thought it would be fun to get students to show up and draw each other instead of always using the models, it also was a chance to draw the clothed figure since most figure drawing is the nude modle. So far the attendance has been so-so, seems some people are not into drawing the clothed figure. The first two drawings are foreshortning/perspective exercises in class where the model was laying on a table in a steep perspective. There are also some 10 second getsure drawings done at my Anatomy CE class on Mondays. Joe, my teacher has really been pushing me to loosen up and all the drawings this week are much, much looser.

All the poses posted are 5 minute, 10 second and the last 10 minutes. I'm pushing making different types of lines,, lost edges and deciding what to leave out. The complete opposite of comic drawing where the thing is to include it all....

1 comment:

  1. Greetings, Mike! Here's a blast from your past: Tom Smith. High school. Mr. Foster's graphics & printing class.

    I was just invoking you on my LiveJournal (remembering early stuff which I honestly didn't think was all that good, and later stuff where you'd vastly improved), and I thought I'd try to track you down, which fortunately took all of nine seconds on Google.

    If'n ya wanna say Hi, I'm at filkertom at yahoo dot com. Take care.
