Thursday, March 01, 2007

School Daze

Yesterday I delivered my portfolio, paper work and artists statement to The Academy for the March 1st deadline, which puts me in the pool for a possible merrit scholarship. Man, I was mentally and psyhically beat...I felt the tension actually seep out of my fingers as I handed my application fee over. The last few weeks have been a huge push. Between doing the rush, rush fill-in issue of Superman 660, and then hopping off the commercial horse and into my own world of drawing and painting for my portfolio I feel like I've done two marathons back-to-back. To top it off the FAFSA shit isn't easy to fill out either. I think the people at school can help me straighten the bugs out though.

Now I can return to the normal routine of comic deadlines for the next few weeks as I finish up the X-9 story for King features and ink the last few papges of my Turtles issue and finish up Draw! 14.

My CE anatomy class will continue for another 6 weeks or so and I'm really enjoying it, I may try and take another CE class over the summer for credit as well. With all of this heavy drawing I can feel my work is also moving in new directions, which is great.
But I could use about 24 hours of straight sleep.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds great! Hope you get enough sleep over your work I know how heavy things can get when you have tons of deadlines. Also I can't wait for the next issue of DRAW! Now it's back to the drawing board again.
