Monday, April 02, 2007

The Final X-9

Here is the final page I'll post for the Secret Agent Corrigan story. I'll let you all know when it's hitting the shops in Sweden. I hope I can get copies myself. It was really enjoyable to revisit this type of work as American comis are just mostly superheroes, which can be fun, but also are pretty boring as well. It also brought back many fond memories of spending that time working in Al Williamson's studio with my buddy Bret in the late 80's. Comics were a lot more fun back then before the speculator market.


  1. I tend to see some light nowadays, while Marvel and DC are and always have been mostly about superheroes, there are several new project that I've enjoyed f late that have nothing to do with them, most f them at Image
    - Sam Noir.
    - The Walking Dead.
    - The Cross Bronx.
    - Casanova.
    - Criminal

    And some related to the superheroes, but with a different aproach:
    - Ex Machina.
    - The Escapists.

    There are some options out there that's fr sure, but I'm trying new things mostly because all the Crisis and Wars got me really bored.

  2. Civil Bores! I buy comics only for the art, if the story is good, well great, but man I've been at this a long time so it's all retread for me. I was never a "fan" in that way, I bought comics based on the artists I liked and still do.

    I have a few issue of Criminal and have bought a few walking dead comics, BPRD. The new guy on the Punisher , parlov is really good.

  3. If only for the art, Sam Noir was very interesting to me, the story is kind of anachronic beacuse is kind of like having Humphrey Boogart being a Samurai living on an American city from a Film Noir... you can't really put together the place or the time, but it doesn't really matter.

    I don't know what is the art style they use, but its very interesting, you can take a look at it here

  4. looks great! If you (or anyone else) need a copy of the book once it's released, I'll gladly help.

  5. Thanks Andreas, I may take you up on that offer!


  6. Hello,
    Nice to see new pages of X-9 (with the help of Andreas).
    I wrote -some years ago- a 12 part articles series about Secret Agent Corrigan X-9 in HOP!, a french fanzine about comics where, after chapter 11 about Scandinavia, I stopped with the few pages by Jim Keefe in his Flash Gordon sundays for a 12th and (I thought) final article ...
    I would be glad to ask you more questions that could lead to a 13th (or 12th bis) chapter.
