Thursday, April 26, 2007

Last CE Figure Drawings

Here are two of the last drawings done for the CE class I was taking this spring at PAFA. The class had the usual 45 minute lecture by Fred kaplan, the teacher and then thius time he let the class pick the poses to draw after our usual batch of quick warm-ups that start with 2 minute poses and then get down to literally 2 seconds.

I had a great time in this class and I learned a lot, I learned that while I did know my anatomy, I know it a lot better now! I think this is something you have to return to and study over the course of your career as an artist. I feel I made a lot of progression also in the way I make a drawing, the language of drawing. I feel looser and also more confident, I so much look forward to going to school in the fall.

the drawings below are 1-2 minute gestures done holding the pencil by the end and standing an arms lenght from the paper, this makes me really work loose. The other drawing is about 15 minutes. I was going for a loose conture type feel since the pose was short and there was no light on the model. Tonight I'll hit what may be the last Thursday night figure session. I'm seriously thinking about taking a summer class, I haven't decided if I want a drawing or painting class yet.

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