Friday, April 20, 2007

PAFA Draw-A-Thon 2007

Last night was the rescheduled Draw-A-thon that the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts has every year. The school hosted this all-night drawing event for the students in the Historic Landmark Building (The original school) and provided models in several of the studios as well as food and drink (Pizza!)to keep the students powered up for the marathon life drawing event. The event was snowed out a few weeks back so it had to be rescheduled and as a result it was also shortened, it ran ony till midnight instead of until 8am.

Echo and I were really looking forward to this as soon as we heard about it last fall, and it was pretty well attended. The only thing that would have made it better for me was if there were shorter poses as well as the longer poses. The poses were about three hours each and ran in studio 1 and studio 3, so you could change studios. I stayed in studio 1 as I liked the poses better.

Some of the other students work, some had been painting this model for a few weeks,

My set-up.

This was my first drawing, on newsprint in charcoal.

Here is the last drawing I did, I didn't get to really finish it.
It was a lot of fun and I also talked to many students who were in the MFA program and got some good advice, it was also great to see what so many other artists were doing and to watch their approach, you get to see a lot of what the school is about and the teaching philosophies in action. I was just getting warmed up when it was over, I would have stayed drawing till the morning very easily, but since it was done on a school night, not the weekkend the doors closed at 12am. I look forward to doing this next year!

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