Monday, April 30, 2007

Super Sunday

Wow, what a gorgeous day today was, an almost perfect day except for the brief shower this afternoon. Echo and I went down the PAFA to the cast hall to do some more drawing, I finished my drawing of the cast I had started the other day and Echo continued on her drawing of one of the reliefs.

A pic of the new school building and the classic old original building across the street which has the cast hall.

After we drew and the cast hall closed we walked down to China Town and ate at Panang, a Thai resturant. I had the beef with noodles and echo had the pork intestines and the double cooked pork for dinner. i ate one piece of the entrails and that was enough, heck it tasted good but I am really trying to eat better so that's exactly what I should not eat..fat, fat, fat.

Afterwards we did a little shopping or window shopping and had an egg custard tart and ice coffee then headed home in the beautiful sunset.

Here is the final of the cast drawing, all together I'd say this was about 5-6 hours of drawing time. Next time I want to try doing one a bit looser. I really did a lot of reworking on the head, especially the hair and the ear and finished the base. I really worked back and forth trying to get the values right and the values right for the drawing, some values where there was a very subtle change I had to push and merge. This is really quite challenging and great practice.

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