Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Back in the USA

A shot from the Forbidden City

After about 7000 miles and 18+ hours of travel that inclused 2 plane flights, 2 cab rides and Amtrak, Echo and I arrived back in home in Philly. We spent and entired day in transit but gained time back when we crossed the international dateline.

Wow, it was a really great trip it was to China in so many ways, especially visually for me. I know it will take some time to proces it all as well as the nearly 3 gigs of photos I took. I meet and was helped by many great old friends of Echo's as well as got to meet some of her extended family.

I think what I will do is start a seperate blog dedicated to my China trip, where I'll post pictures and thoughts on the trip rather than try and do it here. Here is the link:

The jet lagg will take a few days to recover from since it's a 12 hour difference between EST and GMT which China is on.


  1. Welcome back. Now get some sleep.

  2. Nice to know you guys made it back home safe.
    Welcome back!
