Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Back to work

Well the traveling and cons are over, at least for a little while so I'm settling back into work mode here in the studio. It's still a bit of a mess from all the traveling and moving stuff around for the show, so I'll be spending a bit of time to neaten it back up.

I am working on the last article for Draw!! 14 which will go to press next week and should hit in time for San Diego Con. I'm also doing some work with the guys at ghostbot for an Esurence commercial which is fun. I'll also be putting up a bunch more art for sale on my Ebay Store sometime this week. I plan on doing a series of prints for sale as well. It seemed at Wizard World this last week a lot of artists were selling prints, and selling them quite briskly. So I think I'll start with 3-4, at least one featuring Darkhawk! I have had more and more people come up to me at shows and talk about DH, and how much they enjoyed my work on it.

lastly I think I might also do some t-shirts with original designs as well. I'd like to have these done in time for the baltimore show and of course they will also be available for sale on my Ebay store when they are done. And lastly I have to completely redesign all my websites, especially Action planet.com and MikeManley.com.
I need to make them current with what I'm doing and they are both so out of date. I have 3 comic projects also on the burners now, one an old faveorite character of mine and two new ideas with friends. Exactly where or how thye will be coming forth is in developement now but I'd like to see at least one of them going on by the end of this year, sort of a return to self-publishing, but one will probably be a web comic to start, not print.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you do sound busy, and that's great, but when are we going to find time to paint man?? Between Echo's work, your work, and my workshops and such, it's going to be tough. I'd like to come up there sometime next week. When might you guys be available?
