Thursday, July 26, 2007

Busy Week

Unlike everyone else it seems, I am not attending the annual "Running of the Babymen" AKA The Annual Comicon International in san Diego. I chose to go to China this year instead of the con, though I miss seeing some of the folks I only see once a year or so, especially the folks in animation who live on the west coast. Speaking of animation I've been pounding away on my storyboard for Secret Saturday's which will premiere in April on Cartoon Network. That means I didn't do too many personal things this week reguarding art, but when my board is done next week I'll be back into the drawing and painting for myself full-time. In the meantime here are a few sketches done in the last week or so.


  1. We missed ya, Mike!

  2. Yeah, I missed you guys and a lot of buddies too, but I'll show up next year.
