Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Batman Storyboards

Speaking of Storyboards, I just finished the first board for the pilot episode of the Secret Saturdays and while cleaning up stuff on my hard drive I came across these old Batman storyboards I did from the origin of The Creeper just about 10 years ago now. Those were fun shows to work on because the scripts were really good, probably the best overall I have ever worked on, though Samurai Jack still remains the most fun I ever had boarding. Now back to painting for myself for a bit as the show deadline looms...


  1. Hi Mike,

    Nice work! What resource materials do you have in hand when you start to storyboard? I would guess: a script and character design sheets (turn a rounds), anything else? Would new characters have been designed yet?

    Do you have any of these support docs or files that you could post? Then we could "play along at home".

    Thanks for sharing!

    Jonathan Gilpin

  2. Jonatahan, Yep, a script and sometimes models, BG designs. Sometimes a complete turn or maybe just a 3/4 as the models of the new characters were not always finished.

    Then it's you and the paper and pencils and you your mind sees the film unfold. How are you going to tell this story, make it exciting. It's an endless series of problems to solve and questions to answer.

    I don't have any of the other material available now, that's all in storage, but I'm sure you can dig up some model sheets on the web.

  3. Sweet lookin boards! Pretty tight too! Fanboys the world over are gonna lose their bowels when they get a peek at these! Now... what the heck is Secret Saturdays? Sounds neat. I see there's a new Draw! mag out. Gotta pick that up! Always a good read!


  4. Neat!

    Film and TV storyboards are alot different from the advertising ones I've seen.

  5. thanks for this.

  6. Wow, GREAT boards! Big fan of Draw! Magazine!
