Monday, September 17, 2007

Charcoal Wipe-out

This is my homework assignment for this week's cast drawing with Patrick Conners. We had to do a charcoal wipe-out. I choose to do a self portrait as it was the easiest with the time I had. This was drawn in Vine Charcoal on Daler-Rowney Latte paper 18 x 24. I used some powedered charcola to tone the canvas first.


  1. Mike,

    Nice job! Excellent likeness! But it looks like you are doing the Spock eyebrow thingee :-)
    Did you work from a photo or did you use a mirror?
    How did you do the lights - with a kneaded eraser? Those small highlight areas in your goatee - done the same way?
    Shoot me an email when you have a chance?


    Nice work, Mike. Looks like you're having a blast!

  3. Looks great Mike, although I think your jawline seems just a tad too low... the drawing's I mean, not your actual jaw. That's just fine! =) Especially now, with New Svelte Mike® (now with Retsin)!

    Funny, but for some reason, this reminds me a bit of a Blev drawing, As if Bret did a portrait of you. That's a compliment, as I'm sure you know...


  4. JG, This drawing was started by first toning the drawing paper with charcoal, i used powdered charcoal and used some paper towel to rub it around to a nice sort of even look. Then taking a piece of vine charcoal I drew in my head roughly, sight measuring for accuracy. Next using a Chamois Cloth I started wiping out little by little. Then it's back and forth between my finger, a kneeded eraser and somtimes the chamoi. The highlights are all wiped out including the beard higlights etc.

  5. Jamar, I am indeed having a lot of fun, though it is hard work too.

  6. Thanks Rich. Being Blevinesque is always a good thing.

  7. Very nice Mike! I wouldn't want to start an argument with you.
    What I like about the wipe-out technique is that it feels sort of like painting.

