Sunday, September 02, 2007

Framing The Show

The flury of activity continues here in prep for the gallery show and the start of school and next weekend's baltimore comicon. Finally (thanks to Barb, a professional framer) I finally have the last of the art for the "Monsters under the Bed" show framed. I got my frames in Friday from which is a good place, easy to deal with, especially since you can talk to real humans on the phone to answer and take your orders. I also picked up a few things at the local Michaels, like a few wood frames and decoractions like the skeletons and fingers for the frame of the Zombie painting.

I got some glass cut at the local Ace hardward, some black spraypaint for the natural wood frame I got at Michaels which I used for the Zombie painting and spent a whole day just putting the frames together, hangers, embelishments like the skeketons and fingers etc. While it was fun, it's also frustrating at times--but it's part of the process and also a lot cheaper to frame things yourself. If I had both the DCAD Faulty show and the Monster show framed, it would have been a lot of $$$. Now back to the world of storyboards. Time is so compressed these past 2 weeks, this week will be even more intense since Tuesday is my first full day at PAFA.


  1. Man, o, man! That frame is insane!

    I hope you have a great show, and I'm hoping these kids will release my chains long enough to come out for it.


  2. Thanks MR. H. I understand if the wee ones keep you tied up. The show goes until October, so there is plenty of time.
