Friday, September 07, 2007

Monster Show

Well the past few weeks have been a flurry of action around here, much of it leading up to the MONSTER show. I wish I had more time, as I really wanted to have a lot more paintings ready for the show and ended up with four. I wanted to have six, but that's all I could produce with the rest of my busy schedule. However I did put several pen and ink pices and a few comic covers and pages in the show.

The show will run through October so I may add a few more new pieces next month. This is my first official gallery show I've been a part of outside of the faculty shows at DCAD which by the way is also tonight! I have working hanging there too, and that show will also be up till October. So if you are in Philly for First Fridays, or the Fringe festival, stop by the AXD Gallery on south 10th and see the show.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool show. Glad to see new work as well as some cool older stuff!
