Thursday, October 04, 2007

Back View

Tonight was the weekly figure drawing session at PAFA. This week we started a new pose with a male model this time. After having my work from the last session critiqued by my teacher Scott Noel, and going to see his exhibition of work currently on display at the Community College of Philadelphia as well as doing a lot of studying of Dega and Proud Hon I really tried to concentrate more on masses and less on details which immediately start to grab my eye as well as becoming concious of the space the model inhabits. I look forward to next week when I can work on this pose again.


  1. Yep, I can see how you're starting to work with those concepts--masses and surroundings. The light is coming through beautifully too. Man, I can't wait for the chance to get back up to your place to see what you guys are working on in person. After this research paper is done, maybe I can do that....

  2. Thanks kelz. If you come up the week of the 19th, that weekend there is the big USA art event at the Armery. I plan on going.
