Sunday, October 28, 2007

Final Cast

Today I finally finished up my cast drawing of the Nike. I have been fighting this annoying headcold for the entire weekend which made drawing anything much harder. Luckily this was the only homework this week since I am way behind on my freelance.


  1. Well done man! Hope you get better soon!

  2. this really has the look of a 19th century book know,like a Holmes story...'THE CASE OF THE MISSING VENUS".

  3. Thanks guys. Yes, 19th century...almost everything in the cast hall is from that era or earlier except for the easle and a few of the smaller figures, some of which do go back 100 years or so.

    I was going for the look or feeling established by Thomas Anshutz, eakins successor and one heck of an artist and instructor. he did these magnificent cast drawings full of gloom and atmosphere. That is the esthetic I'm going for.

  4. They did a feature on your art school in a recent episode of Antiques Roadshow that was set in Philly...the place looks really cool.

  5. hello mike! i really love your artwork!

    i'm a young french drawer, sorry for my english, i used to read your DRAW MAGAZINE which really help me!

    i would want to know if you could watch a little my blog and advice me if it is possible!

    thanks in advance mike !

