Monday, October 22, 2007


This week's home work was onions in a white on white. Man, these little babies were hard as there is really a translucent quality to the onion skin and all kinds of crazy, color combos.

The freelance is crazy right now on top of school work, and this is the mid-semester week, it seems like it is just flying by like crazy! I can feel Santa already getting ready with his dam sleigh!


  1. Mike! Don't know if I've commented before, but I want to let you know that I've really been enjoying your blog. I'm sooooo jealous! I want to paint! I want to paint! I guess, what I mean is, I want TIME to paint!

    Great work. The onions rule!

  2. Nice Mike! still less edges!

  3. I'm really digging your still lifes. That onion looked hard to pull off, but you did a great job.
