Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Bust, a Girl and some Wood

Back in school for the final 4 classes, or 3 now since this week is gone. The semester has just zipped past.

This s a Grisaille that we did in today's class with Doug martenson, next week when it's dry we'll go and glaze on the color. Doug was showing us the work in class of Odd Nerdrum and many of his painting in this fashion.

In patrick Connors clas we started our last assignment, a painting of a cast, done in a warm grey palette of earth colors, in my case Burnt Sienna and Mars Black, then I wiped out. Conners did demo for us to show us how to proceed which was great.
This is my newest wood cut for my print making class. I'm almost done carving it and I'll make a test print next week.


  1. Man you're killing 'em!

    I love that woodcut. I'm sure you're loving printmaking class. That was one of my faves in college.

  2. Oh yeah, can't wait to see that woodcut print Mr. M!


  3. Wonderful!!
    Can we please see more of the woodcut in progress?...
