Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Final Interior

Finished the interior drawing for Scott Noel's now I can get 3 1/2 hours sleep before class....


  1. wow mike, that's really really great. Good luck at crits!

  2. Lovely composition and rendering of the lighting. Happy with it?

  3. Mike, amazing work my friend

  4. Thanks all. The crit went great, I couldn't be happier about that. Warren, yeah I am happy with this one, and it helped looking at some Degas drawings at the PMA on Tuesday just before I finished it.

  5. Again, the vowed influence of Degas is apparent. Lovely piece: great composition of light - dark foreground, light in the background, inspired. The dark areas of the coatstand and shadows by the table relate beautifully. Resonates with a tradition of 'domestic interiors'

  6. Damn! Amazing how this came together! Tremendous color and excellent execution!

  7. Amazing work as usual Mike!

  8. Hey Drawman - I've been following your work for some time now and the way you're going with that art class you could consider starting a new career in fine art.

  9. Thanks again all, I feel good about the results and it was a big challenge. Lennard, I do plan on working into fine art as a second career. Who knows, maybe it will take off and be my first career? I haven't exactly figured out what it is I want to do besides it being figurative, that's something I am exploring in school and look forward to my 3rd and 4th years when I will be in my own the studio at school painting away.

  10. You are busy, indeed.

    Damn! that's some strong work you've been churning,truly remarkable! and you are teaching in NY? I have to stop by and say hello. Where do you find the time!!??
