Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Back in the Saddle

Yesterday was the first day back at PAFA and it went pretty well, it was a really light day, no drawing or painting, just talking and getting to know the teaachers and the class and what is required. I had Ron Roesch for sculpture and Carolyn Pryform for painting. I have to say it felt great to be back in school, as much as I did enjoy my break I'm the type of guy who likes to keep riding. I feel I was really into a great flow at the end of the semester.

Like last semsester I know this one will flash before my eyes just as quickly and soon the trees will be full again, the summer winds blowing---which I have to say I can't wait for. I seem to tollerate this winter stuff less each year. But I also want to live in each moment and enjoy the trip and the process along the way.

Today I also start teaching the Figure Drawing classes at DCAD, this week the animators. Next week we have a regular schedule and I also start at Uarts teaching storyboarding.

It also looks like Draw! 15 is in layout this week and will be out to the printer early next week which means a mid-Feb release.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Jeeze Mike where do you find the time? PAFA,DCAD & Uarts!!? Is storyboarding offered thru the animation dept? I was in the illustration dept. over there last semester, it's a good program.

    I'm with you on the breaks. I know it is important to let our minds digest all of those experiences and I know we need to slow down in order to avoid burnout, but the length of the breaks does cause its own issues.

    Now that my first week at PAFA is in the bag, I have to say that I am obscenely excited about this semester. I did say HI to you as you came out of the HLB building the other day. Hope to see you around.
