Sunday, February 24, 2008

CReepertins Strip and Demo

I just finished the newest monthly Creepertins strip and I made a little step-by-step demo and edited it together in iMovie. Some stuff is a little fuzzy, I'm still trying to work out tech issues with my Powershot A80 and the lighting, but I think you should get the basic Idea. I'll try shooting on for my next X-9 pages to give people an idea about doing different types of styles too.


  1. Very cool Mike! Love the name too!

  2. Came out cool! All you need to do is get it more in focus next time for the earlier section. The last 10 minutes seemed fine. I don't know how much you have to compress it for the internet but overall it was cool to watch. It did freeze up on me at t he 25:15 mark as the color final version started to creep across the frame. That might be on the blog's system doing it though...

  3. Yeah, there are still tech issue to deal with on my end with my camera. it was compressed again on blogger and the freeze must be on their end.

  4. Great to watch, Mike. If you were to do this for an X-9 page, that would be fantastic.

  5. That's a Hunt 100 isn't it? I thought I was the only one that used it :) It's really good for cartooning because it's like a metal brush. Great video demo!

  6. It´s been quite a while since Bill Waterson quit. I don´t get it how can an artist quit his art,
    Well ,so its been a long time since I saw a very goog strip like this.
    You forgot to teel what is the size you draw it I think.
