Friday, February 29, 2008

Still life again...

here is the still life I started a few weeks back at School. I'm trying to finish it at home using some photos I snapped at school before they broke down all the still lifes. I still have a long way to go on this baby....


  1. Every update on this painting has been better and better. The light captured here - eg on the figurine, the objects on the table, the jar - is being beautifully done. The light on the right looks a little like the reflected flash of a photo you took for ref - or is that a misinterpretation, perhaps it's setting/rising sun. Really nice work. Another little dose of pleasure between work duties.

  2. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I have only done a few still lifes in college ages ago, and I never really understood why we were made to do them - until I started looking at yours, now I see how much one can learn from doing them. - mh

  3. Thanks guys, Matt, the reason we do still life is they don't move and they are great exercises in all the important painting issues like composition, color, techniques, etc.

    Alan, yeah there is a little glare from the reflection/glare of the wet paint/camera glare.
