Sunday, February 03, 2008

War of the Worlds

Man, it's been a tough week. I've missed one whole week of school finishing up this last monster storyboard for the season finale of Secret Saturdays. I am still teaching, because I can't scip teaching, but otherwise I am in the studio grinding away. This only happened once last semester, the clash of worlds, and I hate for it to happen, but that's the reality of being a student and a working professional at the same time. I did manage to get to the gym a bit, which helped and I did go and see the opening of the Cecilia Beaux exhibition down at PAFA on Friday. It's a really nice show and some of the paintings are just amazing. Since it's at school I'll be able to go back and see it many times before it leaves.

The other good news is that DRAW! 15 should be at the printers now and I hope in shops sometime toward the 3rd week of Feb. Draw! 16 featuring Howard Chaykin and Jay Stephens is also in production, so we plan on caatching up this year.

Back to the salt mines!


  1. Man, you're busier then a fart in a wind storm! ;)

    Hopefully, I can get out to Philly and we can find a few moments to hang out and catch up.


  2. Mike that would be great, what would be even more awesome is if we could do it so you could come in and talk to one of my classes.

    Yeah, busy as hell farts, but by mid month things will slow a bit...whew!
