Sunday, March 09, 2008


These are some of the sketches I did at the DCAD draw-a-thon yesterday. It was a smashing success, a packed house fullof students, alumni, teachers and many local artists sketching, painting, drawing andhaving a great time. I can't wait till next year! All drawings are in vine charcoal.


  1. Three very nice drawings. I especially like the one of three models. Nice composition and tonal qualities. The figures are beautifully delineated.

  2. Nice work Mike! I like the first and last especially. Looks like it was a fun event! We had our big snow here at the start of the weekend - last of the season I'd say, melting away already. Spring approacheth!
    Reading through the back-to-school edition of Draw! - should be very helpful for advising prospective students - thanks!
    Take care, Jonathan

  3. Love all of them but that second one really stands out! Such a hard pose to nail!

  4. These are amazing!
