Friday, April 25, 2008

Final Sculpture

This week was the last class in figure sculpting, and the last pose with the model. I wish I had another 2-3 sessions with the model as I think I could have really taken this a lot farther. But, it won't happen...that's all she wrote. I feel this way about just about everything in school, I never feel like I had enough time....

Monday is the final crit then we destory them all, smash, smash, smash!


  1. Wow, this looks fantastic. What an achievement. The anatomy is lovely: the forearms, the beautiful line of the back and obliques especially. I fell you'd have probably worked more on the head given more time. From certainly angles the pose seems odd, like he's walking with folded arms... But wow - powerful.

  2. Thanks Alan. It was sort of a walking pose in a way. Yeah, I left the head till last and concentrated on the whole body more. Out of a 3 hour class we's have maybe four or five 20 minute poses, not long at all, once a week. But this was a lot of fun and I do look forward to my sculpture class next semester.

  3. Seriously? Destroy that? That's insane! Keep it Mike!!!

  4. Impressive stuff!

    I went to art school fifteen years ago and I remember how much my drawing improved after a one week sculpture class.

    The feel for three-dimentional form was so much better.

    Now you'll have to save up for a big house now so you can put that sculpture out on the front lawn!
