Thursday, April 03, 2008

Ideas, Ideas...

I have some ideas for a series of paintings I'd like to do starting this summer on commuters and people riding on the subway in Philly. Commuting is a new things for me this year since starting school. I take the EL/Subway from 69th Street down the 15th and walk over to either PAFA or Uarts depending on the day. I'm just exploring now, so I will probably do a lot of sketches and studies to get a better focus and feel on what I want to do. This is 4 x 5 on cardboard with ink and Lumina bleed proof whiteout.

Comics and animation is a "one-off' type thing, where you draw something once and it's done. Exploring a subject like this in depth will be kinda' new for me.


  1. Hello!!
    I'm of Brazil!
    Your works are very good!!!!!
    Excuse me, i not speak english!

    Anderson Kocis

  2. wauw
    i really like this a lot!

    merci for sharing.
