Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Arizona Landscape final

here is the still wet landscape I have been working on this last few days. My goal is a painting a week while I'm on summer break if I can manage. I'll probably start one on Thursday since the Wizard Philly con will be this weekend.

I'm pretty happy with this because I didn't kill it by over working it, though i still feel odd about it too. Guess I'm trying to figure things out as I go along and sometimes that is fun and other times it's so dam frustrating!

This was mostly executed with a palette knife, but I did come back in later with a brush in spots and I took many liberties with the photos I was working from, trying to satisfy what the painting needs to work.


  1. Pretty nice Mike, don't be afraid to simplify and design to lead the eye even more. Check out Glen Dean on this subject:


  2. Thanks Bill, I'll check his site out.

  3. Enjoy the Philly Show Mike! Great painting!
