Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Few Commissions

Boy, things have been a bit of a swirl around here, no pun intended. I am finally getting caught up on some commissions that have been in the shop for too long on top of a lot of other "life" stuff like laundry, yard work etc. that's why the blog has been slow this last week.

Last week Old Man Winter, or Old Lady Spring gave us a slap here in the north east with a bit of a storm. A storm more typical to December than mid May. The result was a bunch of huge branches down in the front yard that had me outside with a chainsaw ( which I had to buy). But I also got to see some of the student films from Uarts and that was fun as much as starting my taxes wasn't. I filed for a extension, so now I have to get this thing done...ugh.

This is sort of a recreation of the piece I inked over Kirby for the book Greg Theakston published back in the early 90's. I think I am a bit happier with this version as it's a bit more bold and way more brush that the first version I inked which was a lot of Hunt 108 pen. Now back to the many little tasks at hand....


  1. I still can't believe you ink this stuff with a brush, yes, even after seeing it in person.

  2. Josh, Yeah it's mostly brush. Here's the secret. Just spend endless hours alone in a room, you, a brush, bottle of ink and some paper. You'll either get better or go insane.

    I won't say which happened to me ;-)

  3. I'd say a little from column A, a little from column B. haha

  4. Pure inking nectar. All kindsa Sinnott-esque lushness going on there.

  5. Sinnott is one of my gods of the brush.
