Monday, May 05, 2008

Free Comic Book Day report

this last Saturday was the annual FCBD event at Captain Blue Hens in Newark, Delaware. The event hosted by Joe Murray and is awesome staff is a really great event for the entire family. They even had the local no-kill dog kennel out with a pack of awesome pooches looking for homes. Of course there were plenty of costumes heroes on hand from Batman to Spidey and Darth. However I didn't see much of the unfolding events as I was swamped by commissions along with my table buddy and cartoonist extroadinare, Jamar Nicholas. Besides giving a half-hour chalk talk to a group of kids on how to make characters out of simple , fun shapes, I sat a drew a zillion sketches, like the one of the Hulk the young man is holding above.

It was a fun day, and even though I think maybe it was a tad slower this year, it seemed busier at times, the entire store a mad crush of families and kids getting down with comics--even if for only one day. Many kids were getting their first comic--little seeds that may grow some into this industries future, if it doesn't blow it.

1 comment:

  1. Mm, looks like you give good con-sketch. Love that old-skool Hulk basin-cut
