Saturday, November 01, 2008

Super Sabado!

Even though I was kinda' under the weather this week with a cold, and had to miss most of school, and got screwed around by the phone companies (my land line is still down), I still managed to get some work done.

One of the jobs I did was this "I-pod-like" cover for a book of Pod Casts coming out from Twomorrows. John, the publisher wanted something similar to the ad champagne that Apple has for their ever-popular I-pods. I still don't have an i-pod, but I am a bit closer to thinking about getting one.This was my quick solution-to use the silhouettes of the heroes figures over the city, and I think it's, eye-catching.

I have another cover to do this weekend and then some X-9 and homework to catch up on and grade from school--and even maybe a new test to write for the classes this week. I can say after a week at home I will be really glad to get back into school this week, I really missed it.

1 comment:

  1. Love the perspective on the main figure
